April Showers Bring May Flowers

     I suppose its a good reminder that beauty appears after the storm.  We have to learn to be patient with the dark rainy days so we can appreciate the warm, sunny ones. 

     And it can be like that going through treatments. I just finished my book (recalling my cancer journey) and have some people doing the editing. Many times I wanted to just throw in the towel because it seemed pointless to me. Yet, in the back of my mind a little voice pushes me to finish what I started. My hope is someday someone will read it and know that someone else truly understands all the emotions that go hand in hand with dealing with cancer. 

      Ironically, last night I watched the movie "CREED."  Rocky was my inspiration when I was in  Philly going through my clinical trial. I have a picture of me standing by his statue holding my mini boxing gloves. I received the gloves from Fighting Pretty founded by a young girl who had gone through breast cancer. At any rate, I reminded myself to keep fighting no matter what. So, here I was last night watching this movie and I was totally blindsided by a particular scene. I hate to be a "spoiler " but if you haven't seen it....stop reading this.....

     If you have seen it, you know Rocky is diagnosed with non Hodgkins. I realize he's  a fictional character but it really hit home. I was in tears when I saw him climb the same steps in Philly that I did after finishing my treatments there.  They say coincidence is Gods way of acting anonymously. I took it as a sign to not give up on what I started (my book).  I don't know why any of us go through cancer and all the hell it puts us through. 

    All I know is we might have to go through somewhat of a storm. If you get through it ,you learn to appreciate your family and friends all the more. The little things that we take for granted far too often become things we stop to notice. 
    I hope all of you take the time to enjoy all the April showers knowing that they bring forth new life and some wondrous sights to enjoy.

Wishing you all a wonderful, colorful Spring.



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