Everything Pink?

   October is breast cancer awareness month. I think its wonderful that so much research and dedication go into making people aware and getting checked. NFL players will sport the color pink and there will be pink ribbons everywhere on clothing. Fundraisers will be set up and luncheons to encourage women to get screenings. Hospital gift shops will have just about anything and everything you can think of with a pink ribbon on it. 
   I am wondering how many of us feel like "what about all the other cancers?" Not trying to be self absorbed here but I didn't have breast cancer. Yes, it's the first thing people assumed I had. Lymphoma and Leukemia are not pink.  I could go through a gambit of cancer colors that you can have...I  am not trying to make light of any of them but sometimes I feel like we get so caught up in the commercialism of  "going pink" that we forget all of us who have something that the cure rate may not be so high. Or its one that is 
rare and no one has heard about it. Cancer is cancer and they are all words you never want to hear coming from your doctor. Its isolating enough trying to wrap your brain around it. Then you find out you don't have the "popular" cancer.
   I am not trying to say one is easier or better.  I  just get frustrated over lots of things especially commercials on t.v. One is of a lady coming home from chemo (and of course she has a full head of hair). Her husband and her go for a walk and he makes her a cup of tea. You never see the bald woman with no hair/lashes/eyebrows. I wish they would just be "real" about it as most of us can probably relate. 

   I am just curious how everyone else feels about some of these topics. My heart aches for anyone going through any type and I don't want anyone to think I imagine breast cancer to be any less horrible than what I had. Its not a contest; I wish no cancers were out there. I just hope next month people will take a minute and think of all the other moms/aunts/sisters that fight a fight that doesn't get noticed because its not pink. 

   Until next time I wish you all nothing but "healing" wishes and many things to look forward to. I am anxious to see all the leaves change to a myriad of golds, reds and yellows.....a sign of change and a new season to enjoy.



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